Grapes to Grange


Are you missing that spark, that fire in your belly, or are you at a fork in the road and just not sure where you and your business are heading? As a business coach I can help you find some direction.

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Safeguarding the privacy of clients and visitors to the website is important to Robert Chiarolli (ABN 12 521 866 133) trading as Grapes to Grange. This Privacy Policy covers the way in which Grapes to Grange (Business & Executive Coaching) collects, uses, discloses and retains personally identifiable information that Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching may collect when you are on the website. Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will only collect and use personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

1. What information we collect and why
Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will limit the collection and use of your information to only that information which we require.

Generally, Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching may keep a record of your name, contact details (ie address, email, telephone number, etc), and when collecting personal information for business purposes your professional details (eg qualifications), areas of interest, details on your business (eg size, use of products) and details of your dealings with us. Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching requires this information to deliver additional information and services to you.

For each visitor to our web site, our web server also collects the following type of information for statistical purposes: 

  • The number of users who visit the website, 
  • The date and time of visits, 
  • The number of pages viewed, 
  • Traffic patterns

    This is anonymous statistical data and no attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities. This data is used to evaluate our website performance and to improve the content we display to you.

2. Security of your information 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard any information you share with us. All information provided to Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching (by whatever means) is secure to the extent reasonably possible using existing technology and practices. 

Unauthorised third parties should not be able to access it during transmission or when stored. The information that you share with us will be stored securely and appropriate steps will be taken to protect it from unauthorised access or disclosure. 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will disclose personal information held about you only in certain specific circumstances, such as when: 

  • you agree to the disclosure, 
  • it is used for the purposes for which we collected it, or 
  • disclosure is required or permitted by law.

2. Security of your information 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard any information you share with us. All information provided to Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching (by whatever means) is secure to the extent reasonably possible using existing technology and practices. 

Unauthorised third parties should not be able to access it during transmission or when stored. The information that you share with us will be stored securely and appropriate steps will be taken to protect it from unauthorised access or disclosure. 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will disclose personal information held about you only in certain specific circumstances, such as when: 

  • you agree to the disclosure, 
  • it is used for the purposes for which we collected it, or 
  • disclosure is required or permitted by law.

3. How you can access and correct your personal information 

You can always seek access to your personal information and request the correction or deletion of any inaccurate, incomplete or out of date information. Contact Rob Chiarolli by email if you want access to, or want to correct, the personal information held about you

4. Contractors 

Whenever Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching hires other organisations to provide services that will involve access to personal information you provide through this website, they will be required to conform to Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching’s Privacy Policy and to allow Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching to audit them for compliance. 

5. Links to other sites 

This website may at times include links through which you may be able to access various other sites by clicking on links. You should be aware that other sites are not subject to Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching’s privacy standards and procedures. You will need to contact them directly to ascertain their privacy standards. 

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will continuously assess its practices to ensure that your privacy is respected. Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching makes any substantial changes in the way Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching uses your personal information Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching Website.

7. Complaints Procedure 

Please make contact via the address below or email if you believe: 

  • someone has gained access to your personal information by mistake; 
  • privacy obligations or your privacy rights have been breached in any way; or 
  • you would like to discuss any issues about our privacy policy. 

Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching 15 Mountain Ash Ave Ashwood VIC 3147