Grapes to Grange


Are you missing that spark, that fire in your belly, or are you at a fork in the road and just not sure where you and your business are heading? As a business coach I can help you find some direction.

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Set up For Success Using 1-Page Business Plan model

Do feel overwhelmed when it comes to putting what’s in your head about where you want your business to go for success by putting into a proper Business Plan? 

You’re not alone; many business owners don’t know where or how to start.

Or do you find the whole exercise laborious? In the end do you forget some key initiatives? Or just rely on the latest trends rather than what’s right for your business? 

Have you downloaded free Business Plan templates but don’t really know what to do with them or whether they’ll be effective?

Then this program is for you and your team.

The 1 Page Business Plan Model provides that business backbone  – the why, what, how and who approach to ensure your business succeeds.

CUSP Model

You will learn  a structured way through the different key aspects, so that they  are easier to visualise, manage, and implement. In the end you’ll have a 12 month Action plan with clear quarterly activities to focus on.

The 1-page Business Plan uses my CUSP quadrant model as the essence  to  help organise your thoughts and actions for a successful business.

The CUSP quadrants are:

  • Culture, or the Why you are in business;
  • Unifiers, or the aspects that keep the business in order – the What;
  • the Systems which are written processes to be followed to deliver the unifiers – in other words the How; and finally
  • the People, the Who will be delivering on the promise of the business.

In the end you’ll have a clear, succinct plan for your business covering the core aspects for success.

Take your business to the next level now. Enquire here about this Program or download my free eBook that outlines what’s involved here.