Is Your Business Strategy One of Defence or Offence?

Listening to a recent blog it prompted me to review whether I and those in my business network have been in offence mode or defence mode during Covid – and my plans for 2021. Perhaps this if food for thought for you too?
Over the last few months, I have had associates who pivoted quickly into offence and forged ahead with their business looking for new ways to find new customers. Others hunkered down to wait out the turmoil and went back on their heels into defence.
I’m not judging here who has the right strategy, but there are plenty of success stories of those who pivoted successfully and now have thriving businesses ready to take advantage of the growing economy by going into offence mode.
We can’t change the choice in the past, but we can certainly make a better choice now. Are you ready to go into offence and kick some goals in 2024? Opportunities await.
Book a time directly in my calendar here to discuss your challenges.