Just like athletes have coaches to improve performance, business coaches provide support, guidance, and accountability for business owners and their enterprises.
Feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of online resources and seminars? Business coaching helps you navigate this maze, offering structure and clarity beyond just a Business Plan. It’s about defining what you offer, who you serve, and why it matters.
Not sure about your business’s direction? Struggling with cashflow despite a healthy turnover? Can’t find enough hours in the day? High staff turnover? You’re likely not maximising your business’s potential.
If you have a profitable, smoothly running business and are looking for new challenges, you’re in good company. Success stories often involve individuals and businesses with clear plans and visions, frequently guided by a coach or mentor.
Grapes to Grange Business & Executive Coaching brings over 3 decades of business experience to the table. We provide advice, guidance, and sometimes a push to help you through the roller-coaster of business ownership. Our coaching helps you clarify goals, establish structure, and stay accountable, ensuring the best results for you, your team, and your business.
Flexible Consultations: Available face-to-face sessions in Adelaide (and in Melbourne by arrangement), or via Zoom for interstate and international clients.
Take advantage of a no-obligation initial consultation. Confirm your commitment to positive change and get your business on the right track. Book a free, no-obligation 30-minute online consultation directly into my calendar here.
Contact us today to start your journey towards clarity, comfort, and connection for your business.
Your business is not making enough profit and you have hit a wall:
You may think you know what to do, but do you really? If your business is not making enough profit, you might want to consider getting outside help to take a look at why your business is not achieving its full potential. A Business Coach can teach you effective methods to move your business to a healthier position.
You are not getting results from your marketing campaigns:
You can have a great product on offer, but perhaps the marketing dollars you’re spending or the direction your are targeting just don’t seem to be getting the results you need. A Business Coach can take a look at what you’re doing and help identify new ideas and methods to give your product or service higher visibility in the market. Business coaching can help you see how best to present your product and/or service and how to successfully target the right market segment.
You are unsure what is needed to take your business to the next level:
Sometimes business stall for what seems no apparent reason. It could be that the market has changed or a new competitor has come into the arena. A coach can take an objective look at what happening both inside and outside your business and guide you through the plateau and onto bigger and better results.
You’ve got new opportunities on offer, but you’re not sure what to do:
Opportunities are everywhere and it’s important that you focus on the right ones without being distracted by bright, shiny objects. Too often business owners listen to their well meaning friends or note how others have succeeded and try and apply that to their own business. A savvy and experienced Business Coach can help you evaluate the best opportunities for your business and help you work out which are the best business opportunities that come your way – and what to do with them.
You don’t know if you have the right people in your company or who else you need to hire or align yourself with:
People are the biggest asset a business has so it’s important that you hire the right ones. or if you are not in a position to hire, who to best delegate to or form an alliance with, until your business can support your own staff. As a new start-up or even growing a larger business, your aim will no doubt be to develop it into a bigger, better business and, to do that you need the right people. As an experienced manager, extended DISC consultant and trainer, I can help you decide who you need and even help you hire and train them.