Grapes to Grange


Are you missing that spark, that fire in your belly, or are you at a fork in the road and just not sure where you and your business are heading? As a business coach I can help you find some direction.

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Welcome to my Business Blog

Welcome to the Business Life Coach Grapes to Grange’s business blog. I maintain this business blog with issues I find are affecting business today and offer some guidance and options to consider to help you achieve business performance and team culture improvements.

I cover a range of topics that I get asked about on a regular basis. Whether they are for personal growth, or ideas to improve your effectiveness or efficiency as a business professional, I hope you find some of these posts of value and ask that you freely share the content.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcomed.


Top 5 Strategies for an Effective Business Partnership

Top 5 Strategies for an Effective Business Partnership  In today’s hectic and competitive business environment, it’s become commonplace and even more important to forge business links to be able to serve the broader market without...

Have you wondered what Emotional Intelligence is? Here’s a quick guide.

Have You Wondered What Emotional Intelligence Is?  Here’s a quick guide.Have you ever wondered what Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is? Why is it such a sought after skill and attribute among successful leaders of organisations today?The...

Achieve Your Goal – One Step at a Time

Achieve Your Goal - One Step at a Time Every Leap Begins with a StepI am finding it a common issue among people I meet – and many that come to me for coaching support...

How to choose a Business Coach

How to Choose a Business Coach What do you look for when you need to choose a Business Coach?Business coaches are a significant investment of your time and money, so it's important that when you've...

The Six Core Needs and their importance in business and life

The Six Core Needs and their Importance in Business and Life  I recently presented the Six Core Needs model at a business meeting and one of the attendees exclaimed: “Where was this a year ago when I...

Wish you knew more about that employee before you offered the job?

Wish You Knew More About That Employee Before you Offered the Job? It is so often seen in business the issue of employing someone based on their CV and interview, and then finding out they are...

The top 8 reasons why start ups fail

The Top 8 Reasons Why Start Ups Fail There’s no denying that starting a business is a tough gig.With a staggering 95% start-ups failing within the first couple of years, stats are certainly against you.So what goes...

SWOT Analysis – Your First and Most Important Strategic Business Tool

SWOT Analysis - Your First and Most Important Strategic Business Tool  One common reason small business owners contact me is about not having enough clients or cashflow, despite doing everything they read about in digital...

My 5 Top Tips for Achieving Your Daily Goals

My 5 Top Tips for Achieving Your Daily Goals One of the most common reasons people seek out the services of a coach or mentor is as a result of feeling overwhelmed. All the pressures of...